The Queenanne end table project.

Queenanne end table

Since I made the Queenanne sofa table I needed two end tables to match it. Like the sofa table they are made from air dried rough sawn cherry lumber and finished with General Finishes water based dye stain and Old world garnet shellac mixed in a one pound cut so I could layer it to achieve the tone I was looking for.

To get started I made the leg blanks out of 4/4 rough sawn cherry lumber from a local mill. Each leg is made up from 4 boards glued up to give me the 3 inch thickness I needed. Then I trace my template onto the leg blanks twice. They are then cut out on the band saw. Each leg requires four long cuts to make the shape.

Cut along one part of the pattern then tape it back on to the blank. You can see the tape in the picture to the right. This is done because you will cut your pattern off the second side and you need to add it back to the blank. Your cuts do not need to be perfect because you will be shaping with files and rasps in the next step.

After cutting your pattern four times per leg you will end up with something like the picture to the left. A rough Cabriole leg. This was cut on a 9 inch under powered bandsaw so it is very rough. But I didn’t worry about that because the fun part comes next. Shaping them so they all look alike.

Once you get the legs cut you can start the fun time of shaping them with files and rasps. Start out by marking layout lines to so you know where to stop removing excess material and start with the rasps. On these legs I marked a little over 1/4 inch from each corner. The amount removed is up to you and your design.

I then started with a spokeshave to remove the most of the material slow and easy until I hit my layout lines. When I reached a curved section I use my Narex chisels to cut back to the line. I stop now and then to be sure that I am heading in the right way with my design so I do not go to far or maybe I need to remove more to get the desired shape.

Once I get back to my lines I grab my Narex rasps and start rounding over the edges until I get a shape I like. Go slow and easy so you don’t make any area to narrow for the look of the legs. Once you get the basic shape with the rasps the switch to a fine file to refine your curves. You might even want to get some needle files for the tight spots.

Work with one leg until it is exactly how you want it to look. Then you have a template you can compare the other three to as you repeat the process on them one by one. There is no set standard pattern for these. You can make them look how you want. You can carve them or make them as round as you want, It is all up to you.

The QueenAnne sofa table

QueenAnne period furniture, Cherry sofa table

Since I have developed a love for period furniture, I decided I was going to start building some QueenAnne style furniture for my family room. It started with the “Princess” dressing table. The first item I built in this style was the sofa table. Since I am using rough cut cherry I wanted to showcase the beautiful imperfections in the grains and make them shine. The table is 20 inches wide and 51 inches long. I decided not to put the drop finials on this table because of the kids on the holidays, ( I didn’t see them lasting very long). I finished it with General Finishes vintage cherry dye stain and two coats of a one pound cut garnet shellac and a water based poly top coat.

Makeup table built for a princess!

The Princess makeup table came out of a needed vacation where I met my best friend and the most amazing woman. I felt inspired to build her something as beautiful as she is. So I stepped completely out of my comfort zone and elevated my game. I tried Cabriole legs for the first time and had a great time learning to shape them with a rasp and get them to look identical.

The makeup table build had lead me down the path of period furniture. I have many ideas about how to make this different and more elaborate. Bigger and better but I am very proud to have built this table. So as you can see, inspiration can come from anyplace or anyone. So keep your eyes open at all times and keep a note pad handy for ideas.